Saturday, July 28, 2007

Two New Sales!

Good news to report. In the last few weeks I've sold two new stories!

QUINN'S CURSE, my first (and so far only) erotic paranormal romance, will be released by eRed Sage, the new e-publishing venture of Red Sage Publishing. The website should go live soon. I'm excited to see it!

NOTHING TO FEAR was accepted by Ellora's Cave as part of their Halloween-themed Quickies, Trick or Treat. I'm excited to be a part of this as well!

Check out my website for the blurbs, and I'll update it as soon as I have more definite release dates and covers.

Summer is going so fast. Fall, and with it my first releases, will be coming fast!


Friday, July 27, 2007

Moving is No Fun

After weeks of packing and tossing and lifting and moving, we're finally in our new house. The furniture is where I want it to be...for the most part. Almost all the boxes are emptied. We're starting to put the pictures up on the wall - the part that makes the house finally feel like home. When we started packing up our things in the apartment, the first thing we did was take down the pictures (we didn't need to eat, wear, or sleep on them for the next couple weeks) but the place didn't look like home after that.

Soon, I hope to be back in a routine, writing and posting and looking forward to my first releases this fall. Stop back around for exciting things happening in the next few months.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Conest at Passionate Prose!

Nancy Lindquist is holding a contest today at the Passionate Prose blog. Stop by and leave a comment and your e-mail addy and you'll have a chance at winning a free copy of one of her recent releases.

I'm heading over there right now!
