Sunday, June 24, 2007

Release Dates!!

I know, I've been really bad about blogging. Life has been incredibly busy lately and while that's no excuse, if I only have time to deal with life and get some pages done...the blog is going to fall by the wayside. Am trying to come up with a schedule that will allow me to do it all.

Is that even possible??

I did get some great news - UP TO NO GOOD will be part of Red Sage Secrets Volume 24 which will be released in July 08. BAD TO THE BONE will be part of Secrets Volume 25 released in Dec 08! I'll post covers as soon as I have them!

I'm excited - can you tell???



Portia Da Costa said...

Mega congratulations, Natasha! That's wonderful news... :)

Natasha Moore said...

Thanks, Portia. Looking forward to picking up your newest story.