Saturday, November 11, 2006

Roller Coaster Ride

November 11, 2006

I sold my first manuscript to Samhain Publishing! My road to publication, as with most writers, has been a roller coaster ride. Lots of pages written. Lots of requests. Lots of rejections. When I got the e-mail offering me a contract, I had to re-read it several times. Where was the but?? "I had the opportunity to read your manuscript, but..." "Your characters were well-drawn, but..." The story is well-written, but..."

This e-mail had no but. There was an and! "I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story AND I would like to offer you a contract." Huh? Really? Of course, it didn't help that this was about 1 am, I couldn't sleep, took some aspirin and decided to check e-mails while the pain reliever kicked in. I rubbed my eyes and read it again. I couldn't even yell and scream and jump up and down because there are apartments above and below me. I did the silent dance on my couch and then woke up my husband.

I hope you'll check back from time to time. I can't promise to post daily - I have to work on my next manuscript. But the road is still up and down. We have to change the title, so I can't even post a title or release date yet. But I'll let you know as soon as I do.


1 comment:

Pamela Tyner said...

Congrats! Samhain is quickly becoming one of my favorite ebook publishers because they have such fabulous stories.