Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wow! Another sale!

November 19, 2006 - Sunday night, about 9pm. I'd just finished the first draft of Quinn's Curse and was pretty stoked! I went to check my e-mails before turning in early - and there is an e-mail from Ellora's Cave!!! OMG. I'd been waiting to hear back on my submission for their 2007 Cavemen anthology and was so excited to find out that Taste of Honey was accepted!!! Yay!! My hands were shaking, I was so excited. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much that night either. These late night e-mails are killing me. But I hope they keep coming !



Nalini Singh said...

Another round of congrats, babe! Well done :) :) Can't wait to see it come out.

Pamela Tyner said...

Two acceptances in a’re on a roll!