Today, my contemporary romance THE RIDE OF HER LIFE is available for download from Samhain Publishing! I'm so excited! I've blogged about it today on the Samhain weblog. Check it out here.
Here's a little exerpt to tease you:
She took the chance in the silence that followed to study him close up. His was a strong profile. The good-looking boy she remembered had turned into a handsome man. His face wasn’t smooth—it sported a few laugh lines and frown lines, probably from riding in the sun a lot. But it was all the more attractive because it was the face of a man who lived. A man who laughed and frowned, who flew down the highway in the sunshine and made her body long for his touch.
The sound of his deep breathing washed over her. What did it mean that her own breathing fell into rhythm with his? Was his heart pounding as hard as hers? Was his body also on fire with need?
When she couldn’t ignore the desire burning within her any longer, she placed her bottle on the coffee table and slowly turned to face him.
“Damn.” The word came out of Dean’s mouth on a sigh.
He set his bottle down as well and turned to her. In one smooth movement, he cupped her face with his hands. His lips were on hers almost before she had a chance to breathe.
His hands were cool and damp on her face, but his lips were hot and wet. Hot and wet and needy. They slid across her mouth, teasing her with his taste. His tongue followed the path, coaxing her lips apart. When he deepened the kiss, plunging into her mouth, she drank him in, her whimpers mixing with his moan.
Sarah combed her fingers through his hair, enjoying the way the silky strands slid along her skin. When it loosened from the ponytail, she spread it across his shoulders. She held his head in her hands, meeting each thrust of his tongue with an eager one of her own. She leaned closer, needing to touch him more, longing to feel his hands on her.
Waves of awareness ran along her skin, gathering into a pool of need within her. She was drowning in his kisses, but she needed more. She lowered her hands, skimming his neck, kneading his shoulders.
A crack of lightning lit up the sky and the deafening roll of thunder followed almost immediately. Dean broke away and leapt to his feet. He gasped for air. Odd, she still matched him breath for breath.
“I put clean sheets on Terry’s old bed,” he said, his voice ragged. “You can sleep there tonight.”
Of course, he wouldn’t want to talk about the kiss. Or the need. “Dean?”
He backed away from her. His eyes were still shadowed, his expression grim. “Go to bed, Sarah, before you cause any more trouble.”
She knew the new Sarah would stay and argue, would stick to her guns and say that he started the kiss to begin with and he caused his own damn trouble. But there was too much of the old Sarah in her and the thought of Dean pushing her away again hurt so badly that she simply turned and walked up the stairs without saying a word.
Join Sarah for The Ride of Her Life!
Looks grrreat, Natasha! I'm going to bookmark it.
Many happy sales!
Congratulations, girl!!! I'm so thrilled for you! And the cool thing is, I recently won a GC from MBaM, so this is totally going to be one of my buys! :)
Thanks, Jenn and Larissa! Release day is so cool! Hope you love the story.
Congrats on the release! Sounds like a really good book!
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