Hey all,
One of my RWA chapters, From the Heart, is running a contest for published authors. Check out all the info below. This is a great way for authors to get their work out in front of news readers. Not to mention the possibility of winning an RWA/RT conference fee!
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2008 Published Author Contest
The Lories Best Published Contest and The Lories Best Proposal Contest
Contact the coordinator, Denise Pattison at lories@fthrw.com
Best Published--Grand prize--Conference fee! Or a cash prize of $200!
Best Proposal--Grand prize--RWR ad! Or a cash prize of $100!
***New this year, readers will be the judges. The people who
read romance books will be judging your published book. How much
better can you do than to be judged by your target readers?
Final judge--Debbie Meredith, Romance Manager for an independent
called The Bookstore which has been in business for over 30 years.
***New--a bit of a sale for you!
Discounts offered this year: Second, third, fourth etc. entries are
all discounted $5. You can enter the best proposal, pay the fee and
get $5 off when you enter the best published.
Best published fees:
FTH member--first book $20, second, third, fourth, etc. $15
RWA member--first book $25, second third, fourth, etc. $20
Not a member--first book $30, second, third, fourth, etc. $25
Best proposal fees:
FTH member--first proposal $15, second, third, fourth, etc. $10
RWA member--first proposal $20, second, third, fourth, etc. $15
Not a member--first proposal $25, second, third, fourth, etc. $20
FTH member enters first book for $20 and a proposal--the proposal
would be $10. Or enters first proposal for $15 and a book--the book
would be $15.
RWA member first book for $25 and a proposal--the proposal would be
$15. Or enters first proposal for $20 and a book--the book would be
Not a member first book for $30 and a proposal--the proposal would be
$20. Or enters first proposal for $25 and a book--the book would be
Final judges, will consist of six industry professionals:
Leis Pderson, Editor, Berkley Publishing Group
Lori Graham, Senior Editor, Wild Rose Press
Caren Johnson, Agent, Johnson Literary Agency
2nd Agent--TBA
1 published reader--TBA
1 bookseller/librarian--TBA
Open to authors published in romantic fiction in both print or
electronically. FTHRW considers all published books, regardless of
RWA recognition, as eligible.
Mainstream with romantic elements
Romantic suspense
Short story/novella
Single title (low on entries)
Entry deadline is February 16th.
Come on over to our website and check out all the details.
Get your book(s) into the hands of readers who may not have
discovered your fantastic writing yet.
If you have any questions at all, please contact Denise Pattison at
lories@fthrw.com. She'll be more than happy to answer any questions
you may have.
Denise Pattison
2008 Lories Best Published Contest Coordinator
2008 Lories Best Proposal Contest Coordinator
Editor, Words From The Heart
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